November’s Tiger Club just came together in a serendipitous way. A new yarn was available to me (new! yarn! American grown and spun!), AND Targhee (EEEEeeeee!!!) became available. I wanted something simple, yet lovely to show them off. I took a browse through my dye sample book, and fell in love (again) with the range from Periwinkle blue through to passionate Petunia violet. Nothing but a gradient would do.
Our yarn is neatly divided into two matching 2 ounce skeins. Each skein is a single gradient of 5 shades from blue to purple. I figured each color is about 44 yards, so you can do a lot with pattern on this yarn and it won’t get lost. Warp up a stripey scarf or shawl. Knit alternately from opposite ends of the skeins and stripe it up. Or try some Fair Isle. So many options!
I was so thrilled to get my hands on some Targhee again. I took a different gradient approach with this, each color is longer than the last, planned for a triangular shawl. Keep the long color changes, or fractal it. This wool and the colors were having fun with me….each batch turned out a different variety of awesome, so you received something unique.
If you’d like to join the fun, we are open for December. I have another new yarn and fiber blend for you to try. Both are soft and stunning. Sign up on or before the 15th, I dye starting the 16th!
On the club thought track, I have some extras from previous clubs up in the shop now, so check what’s listed in the ‘new’ section.