The Letter Game…..

My Fiber Barista friends are passing around a game today….you ask for a letter, then post about 10 things that you like that start with said letter.  Natalie from The Yarn Yard dubbed me with the letter ‘S’.

1. Stripes.  Might as well get it out of the way!  I like self-striping yarn, I knit about 80 custom striped scarves a year, and I’ve named my business after a striped animal.  Strangely enough, I don’t wear many stripes.  The occasional sweater, and definitely socks….but otherwise I’m a solids girl.

2. Silence.  We homeschool, so my kids are around me nearly 24/7.  I love them, but sometimes it is just nice for it to be quiet sometimes.  But not too quiet….then I have to investigate!!!

3. Spinning.  It’s really my fun new passion.  Lizzie Lendrum and I are getting the hang of things, I just need more time in my day!!

4. Snow.  This really seems contradictory, because I HATE the cold, but there are soft fluffy flakes falling right now, and it is so pretty.  I’d also rather look at snow than the brown mess that is under it.

5. Salvia.  These are the spiky purple flowers.  I love them in my garden…they come back every year, and flower away all summer, even in less than ideal conditions.  (Is it spring yet?)

6. Socks.  Of the wool variety.  If you’ve never had a pair of socks knit just to fit you, and from a nice soft wool….you are missing out.  I wish I had started knitting them sooner.

7.  Sanita.  Ok, this is cheating a little.  Sanita made Dansko shoes (apparently they’ve split ways).  I have a couple pair of mary jane clogs.  They show off my socks, AND I’m about 2 inches taller without wearing high heels.  I’m not short, but the little boost really seems to change my perspective on things and impart some extra confidence.  When I’m not out, I’m wearing Crocs, though.  Squishy wins any day.

8. Soup.  I love a great soup with lots of vegetables.  My family doesn’t….they are tomato or chicken noodle only folks.  Minestrone, cheesy broccoli, homemade hamburger soup with a bag of mixed veges in there….mmmmmmmmmmmmm  good! 

9. Sweets.  Yeah, I have a sweet tooth.  Dark chocolate of good quality is my favorite, but I won’t turn my nose up at a Hershey or Snickers bar.  I stock up on mini-bars after Halloween, and they usually last until Valentines, when I can stock up again.  Then sadly all the good candy holidays are over until Halloween again. 

10. Scents.  Imagine life without being to smell.  You could eat an onion and it would taste the same as an apple or a raw potato.  Scents are amazing at bringing back strong memories.  Diesel from a bus reminds me of drum corps days, certain hair sprays remind me of high school (80’s big hair!!), a whiff of a small baby brings back all those new mother memories, and fresh mown alfalfa brings back my childhood on the farm.

If you’d like to play, drop me a line and I’ll assign you a letter!

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