The problem? I need a name for the yarn base. I’m looking for something that will be catchy and memorable, and fits in my Tiger/Animal theme (although that isn’t crucial), and is unique. Yeah, I know….tall order. To clarify, I need to name the yarn base, not a particular colorway. Some of my existing yarn bases are ‘Tabby’, ‘Tiger Twist’, ‘Tiger Cub’, ‘Siberian Worsted’, ‘Wooly Mammoth’, Cougar, and ‘Panda’. As I said, it doesn’t HAVE to be a tiger/big cat name, just somehow fit in the shop theme, or be so cool that I just HAVE TO name it that! Pop down to the comments section of this post, and submit your ideas. If I choose your idea (you must be the first to post that name), you’ll win a skein of the new Silver & Silk yarn dyed just for you! (So be sure you leave a valid way to contact you when you leave your comment.) My newsletter peeps got first peek and naming rights. Wanna be in the loop too? Get the newsletter by signing up in that brown box in the upper right of the page. About once a month; and contains sneak peeks, first dibs, and exclusive offers. P.S. – Those 4 yummy semi-solids are newly listed….click on the pictures to go right to ’em!
P.P.S – Sign ups are nearly over for the Flora and Fauna Fiber Club by Fiber Baristas. 6 months, 6 different dyers. Exotic fibers, different preps, plus a new contest each month. Pamper yourself! PPPPPSSS – Have a great weekend! I’ll take suggestions for the yarn until Thursday, May 7 around 3pm CDST, and announce a winner the next week. Don’t be afraid to get science geeky on me, I do have a Biology degree, ya know! 🙂
PPPPSSSSS: The Contest is over…..click here for results.
Sparkling Pink Flamingo
The Panther Shines
The Shimmering Eye of the Peacock
White Tiger
Silver Tiger
Silver Lynx
Silver Bengal
I like the suggestions so far Brooke and the yarn looks lovely! How about Tinsel Tiger? LOL
Silver Heels
Snow Leopard
Tiger Bling
Tabby Cat Sparkle
Stray Tabby Strut (a yarn with attitude and class)
Fancy Feline
Hip Cat
Fancy Toes
Yarn name thought
Silver Dreams…..
Tiger Sparkles
Tiger Eyes
Silver Claws
Tiger Shimmer
Tiger Coat Shimmer
Misty Tiger
Sparkling Tiger
Tiger Glimmers
Glimmering Tiger
Sabretooth Tiger
Lynx – for some reason the silver just suggests Lynx to me. Bobcat doesn’t have quite the same ring.
“Zoo” as a yarn base
Ok here’s what I’ve got:
Tigress <– my personal fave
Silver Paw
Jungle Shimmer
Panther Sparkle
Ps – I like Deb’s suggestion “Tiger Eyes”
Your yarn immediately brought “Starry Starry Night” by Don McLean…so that’s my entry. 🙂
Soft Sparkles
Smooth Sparkles
Soft Shimmer
Shooting Star
Star bright
Moon Kissed
Felis Silvestris
Halide Halos
Siber (German for silver)Stream
Sterling Strands
Uncia (Snow Leopard)
(because it’s beautiful, rare and special)
Tiger Tail
Silver Ermine
How about Jaguar or Silver Panther. Yum and good luck.
Siberian Starshine
shimmering stars
twinkling eyes
natures sparkles
tigertease or teasing tiger
Silk and Diamonds
Silky Frost
Silver Sprinkles
Moon over Mountain
Silky Moon
Silver Tiger
Feline Sparkle
The wool is so beautiful it made me think of sahara dessert stars
stars over the sahara
Starry Starry Nights
The new yarn is lovely; great website! Here are two suggestions for names: 1) Silk-n-Silva Purrrrr 2) Slash-o-Silver Paws. Good luck to everyone! Dawn
Turkish Angora, they are beautiful cats with the most wonderful fur. I’ve tried spinning it, but only had a little.
Gilded Tiger
Cat’s Meow
Eye of the Tiger
Lady or the Tiger
Wow, there are so many entries already. My suggestions are:
Moonlit River
Gossamer Tiger
Tiger Twinkle
Tiger Glitz
Tiger Glimmer
Okay, my husband made me add the reference for Lady and the Tiger, since he didn’t get it and thinks I might be a literature geek that remembered too much from grade school. Lady and the Tiger is a terrific short story by Richard Stockton.
Another recommendation: Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
Gorgeous yarn! How about:
Tiger Frost
Tiger Shimmer
Sterling Lynx
Dang, someone already said “Snow Leopard” and “White Tiger.”
Hm… how about
Star Tiger
TIger in the Rain (lots of colorways are named after songs without copyright/trademark problems)
Twinkle of a Tiger’s eye
Teardrops of a Tiger
Someone already suggested Felis Silvestris, so I’m going with “Neofelis Nebulosa” (the scientific classification for the Clouded Leopard).
Hi Brooke,
I finally got the point, it does not have to have “Tiger” in the name.
Silver Fox
Borealis Wolf
Gleaming Wolf
Northern Lights
The Little Prince