Oh Deer….

Hanging out in our backyard the past week or so…….



Mamma actually has twins, but the other eluded being photographed.   They’ve been sleeping near the pine tree in the second picture, which means we have a great view of the deer family while we eat our breakfast.  I thought it was awful nice of Mrs. Deer to pose for me!

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Forgive me, I have sinned….

*Sigh*  I fear I will never become the host or a guest of one of my favorite shows….This Old House.  Kevin might understand, but the other guys……

Let me back up……(insert wavy remembery sequence here)

*Snort* I made an inadvertent funny!  It all started with a back up.  Mr. Tiger went to the basement and I heard the fateful ‘Uh, oh’.  Yeah.  Water in the laundry room.  Hallway carpet is all wet.  Carpet in the bathroom all wet, water in the shower.  It was Sunday night.  Crud.  Plumber could come, but it would cost double time.  Double crud.  Ok.  Clog removed (tree roots…..*&^$# orangeburg pipe).  Clean up done.

Next day…..um, there’s water all over the bathroom floor again.  Where is it coming from?  We mopped up and then put down some dry paper towels to see where the water is coming from.  Looks pretty clearly to be from around the base of the toilet.

Zee bathroom, before

Here’s the offending area…..yup, original 50’s yellow toilet.  Great paired with the turquoise block shower and psychedelic 70’s wallpaper.  Anyway, we figured the wax ring had blown out….after all it was probably the original one.  (As an aside, this room had dark blue carpet.  We pulled it out since it was soaked, and found this linoleum tile underneath….in great condition.  It has been the bright spot of this whole thing.)

So the mission today started innocently enough.  We need to change the wax ring.  Simple enough.  Then we had project snowballing.  That is how I ended up with paintbrush in hand, doing the unthinkable……painting over wallpaper.  Without priming first.

You see, while the toilet was out anyway, we should just put in a new low-flow since we were going to do it eventually.  And what better time to get rid of the hideous wallpaper?  Except when I pulled off the wallpaper on that back wall……not good.  Crumbly bits, petrified old wallpaper paste, and hints of previous ‘texturizing’.   Bleah.   Did I have any fancy primer/sealer.  Nope.

I open the can of paint…..I can at least paint the back wall so I can install the new toilet.  Ah……I had this can of paint for the upstairs bathroom (which has even worse wallpaper and was supposed to be first in line).  It’s Behr premium sateen luster something er other.  Glop, glop…..like painting with pudding.  I can do this, I think……and away I went.  It actually mostly covered, even with the light tan that is the paint color.  Second coat tomorrow, maybe a third, then I’ll be done with a bathroom makeover I hadn’t planned to do for years yet.

So, sort of ‘yay’ for forced snowballing of project, but I’ll give up my dream of being a famous DIY’er.  I don’t think they’d understand the paint over the wallpaper.

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Fiber Barista’s Flora & Fauna Club

This past week I’ve been dyeing like crazy to get some fiber ready for the Fiber Barista club.  Here it is, all sepia-d.  This is a new fiber to ThePaintedTiger, and you’ll be seeing it, plus several other kinds, in the shop in September.

Fiber Barista's Flora & Fauna Fiber Club

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Fiber Friday!

For today’s update, I have a pile of newly dyed Corriedale tops.  I love spinning Corriedale …..it has the softness of merino (it’s a merino cross), but a longer staple length making it easier to spin.  Longer fibers tend to wear longer, also.  Hover over for titles, or just visit them all in the shop!

Grape Vine - 8 oz Hand Dyed Corriedale Wool Top Roving
CMY Party  - 8 oz Hand Dyed Corriedale Wool Top Roving
Shades of Blue  - 8 oz Hand Dyed Corriedale Wool Top Roving
Choco Cherry Love  - 8 oz Hand Dyed Corriedale Wool Top Roving
Autumn Splendor  - 8 oz Hand Dyed Corriedale Wool Top Roving
Deep Rainbow  - 8 oz Hand Dyed Corriedale Wool Top Roving
Teal Deer  - 8 oz Hand Dyed Corriedale Wool Top Roving
RYB Party - 8 oz Hand Dyed Corriedale Wool Top Roving

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Wheel lust

These days, I find myself glancing at the for sale forums at Ravelry, and other places for wheel destashing. I swear there is something added to each wheel that makes them addicting. Maybe they have a herding instinct or something.

For example, there’s a Majacraft Pioneer up there right now. Barely used. Do I need this? Absolutely not. My Lendrum does everything I NEED, and I’ve got a deposit down for the highly coveted Pocket Wheel. But said Majacraft wheel is available to be delivered to a festival I’m attending, and suddenly it is very attractive. LOL!

Eventually, I’d like to try a Matchless (I’m especially lusting after the cherry anniversary wheel….but that isn’t likely to happen). Oh, and by chance I ran across the Canadian Production Wheel group yesterday. Um, don’t have enough living room for that, but LOVE!!!

What wheels or spindles are you lusting after? Do you have a herd, or have you managed to keep the numbers down?

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Summer is winding down….

I keep waiting to blog until I have a great picture or something of amazing significance to tell you, but the summer is just getting away from me!

Next Friday, hubby is back to school, which means we’ll start our homeschool then, too. We’ve had the busiest and most fun summer ever with the kids, and we’ve accomplished a few home improvement projects (not nearly as many as I’d like, but oh well!)

I picked up a copy of EA Sports Active for Wii. It’s an interactive personal trainer. I’m doing the ‘easy’ 30 day challenge, looking to do the medium and hard back to back after that……finishing just in time for our trip to Disney World in late November. Any tips or favorite experiences at Disney? I’d love to hear them!

Finally, I am indeed back to the dyepots. I’ve got a new sock yarn cooking that I’m sure you’ll like (and it’s a true skinny fingering, you could easily use it for lace work or weaving too). I’ve also put in an order for a variety of spinning fibers….over 100 lbs worth!!

Hope your summer ‘break’ has been fun….seems too soon to be looking at fall and winter colors, but I know it’ll be here before we know it.

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Growing up on my parents’ homestead, we had an orchard with sour cherries, apricots, apples, plums, and rhubarb.  In another field, they allowed a mulberry tree to grow.  All that fruit musta rubbed off on me, cause every place I’ve lived I’ve felt the need to cultivate some fruit.  Blueberries are a miserable failure for me (anyone try honeyberries?  I hear they taste very similar, but are easy to grow…..), and I just don’t have room for trees (not to mention the mess a tree loaded with apples or cherries can make….not so bad on the farm where there are cows who will like them, but not so good in town where they attract raccoons and possums).

I had attempted to move my raspberries from our last home, but considering we moved in December, it was a lousy time to dig up and transplant them.  Lucky for me, there was a little patch of black raspberries growing on the property.  Two years and two location changes later, I’ve finally got it.  This is my second large whipped topping tub full in a week.

Black Raspberries

The best part is that those berries came off of last year’s canes, which were small.  Most of the growth you see on the hill here is new growth…..and they are thick and branchy and crazy.  Other than a few suckers I had to chop off earlier this spring, they seem to be behaving as long as I keep the canes shorter that 3 feet or so…..AND they provide great erosion control for our hill.  Eventually, I’m going to build stairs next to this to make harvesting (at least on one side) easier.  I do have them staked up against a fence to encourage straighter growing.
Black Raspberries

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Back and running….

When it rains, it pours….we arrived back from vacation last weekend, tired but full of the joy of no stress for two weeks.  Here’s a pic of our view, and one of the many, many pan fish we caught.
Moen III Lake in Wisconsin
Look, Ma!  A fish!

Miss Cub was not done with vacation, however….Monday she went off to our church’s camp for kids, and just arrived home today.   To use her absence to best advantage, we moved Mr. Cub into her room for the week and went to town getting the painting and electrical stuff done in there……finally!  Instead of cream over yucky pink, he now has a beautiful blue….kind of a greyed powder blue that is trending slightly teal.  (Did that make any sense???)  Plus a new ceiling fan where there was no overhead fixture at all.
cub room
Cub room

Is is terrible that it is a mess already?  Putting things away is the forte of every kid but mine, right?

Oh, and did embark on a dyeing project…..the drapes in the room were some scary floral from the 80’s….not at all jiving with the space theme we are going to go with.  It didn’t hurt to try to dye them….and two bottles of Navy Rit later, tada….servicable drapes.   Glad to be dyeing again, even if it was in the washing machine….making blah beautiful has got to be my favorite job, ever!

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Gone Fishing….

Catch of the Day!

It’s been quite a while since we’ve been there (Cub is now 9, she’s 3 in this pic), but we are off to our favorite fishing hole (You see who catches the biggest fish?).  Unfortunately, it is a bit remote, and it is very unlikely that I’ll have internet access for the next two weeks.

That means anything you order from now until July 5 will be shipped the week of July 6, and I’ll catch up on e-mails at that time, too.  I hope that you and yours are making great summer memories during this time also!

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Shop Update!

Although it may seem that all I’ve been doing is Star & Stripes, I have been tossing in skeins and tops of other colors when I had a spare few minutes!  Here’s the fruits of my labors, and my project this afternoon is to get them all listed in the shop.  Enjoy the eye candy!

June 10th Update

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