Fiber Friday – Targhee!!

Yes, it’s true….at long last I have more luscious cottony-soft Targhee!! Can’t wait to get your hands on them? Click here.

First up, we have some of my favorites from my striping sock yarns. These are dyed in a graduated progression….each color longer than the last, perfect for a triangular shawl. Remember my Forest Fractal Yarn? Yeah, these can do that!
Raspberry Mocha Targhee
Frozen Targhee
Forest Targhee

I have several gradients….

Burning Bright Targhee
Out of the Deep Targhee
Periwinkle to Petunia Targhee

And progression gradient rainbows…
Rainbow Targhee
Pastel Rainbow Targhee
Tropical Rainbow Targhee

And my favorite Autumn Splendor that doesn’t quite fit in any of these categories….
Autumn Splendor Targhee

And some variegated colors….
Black Tulip Targhee
Mississippi Mud Targhee
Northern Lights Targhee


Whew!  As you can see, it was a fun week at the dyepots.  I love my job, and hope you love what I’ve made for you!

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Mount Saint Helens – Tiger Club Reveal May 2015

The end of May is a perfect time for outdoor activities.  One of the few areas of the United States I haven’t explored (yet) is the Northwest.  I chose Mt. St. Helens as a landmark to portray in wool.

Clear blue skies, check. Rich greens and browns of plant life and earth. Check. All the subtle greys and texture? Hrm. But a solution was found!

Our wool is merino, but a blend of white, brown, and gray. I love how it turned out!
Mount Saint Helens - May Tiger Club - Mixed Merino Wool Top

And for the sock yarn, I turned to a favorite of mine that is Club exclusive….Tiger Tweed. Yum.
Mount Saint Helens - May Tiger Club - Tiger Tweed Sock Yarn

I’m gearing up for June Club, which will revisit a wool we haven’t had for a couple of years, and a brand new yarn….dyed for a shawl. Jump on in, Tiger Club is easy to try!

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How I Remove a Batt from a Drum Carder

There was some discussion on a Facebook fiber group yesterday about how to get a batt off the drum carder cleanly. I mentioned my method, but pictures are worth a thousand words, so I took some. (And I’ll probably still write a lot of words!)

This is actually an amalgam of two batts, as the first one came off perfectly cleanly, so I couldn’t show how to get the wispies up. Which leads to the best pointer……

How you put the batt on will determine how easy it is to get off again. You want that first layer to be a continuous and smooth one….this is not the time to feed small random bits to your carder….you want to be feeding it all the way across, and enough to cover the entire circumference. After that layer, you can go to town with add-ins. If you can’t get an even layer right now, just continue to work on it. You can always lift the odds and ends as you take the batt off, but I think it saves a lot of time to get that base layer on.

Here’s my nice smooth batt…. (this is my Fancy Kitty Big Tom drum carder)
Removing a batt from a drum carder

Looks great, eh? For demonstration purposes, I purposely put in some uneveness on the bottom layer.

Removing a batt from a drum carder

Ok, so now we have ourselves a batt. Let’s take it off. I have a doffing hook, but you can use anything strong and pointy. Just don’t take too big of a bite, that fiber is collectively strong and will bend knitting needles. Continue all the way across, gathering the loose fibers in your free hand, and being sure all the ends come up.

Removing a batt from a drum carder
Removing a batt from a drum carder
Removing a batt from a drum carder
Removing a batt from a drum carder
Removing a batt from a drum carder

Now, I like to roll the batt off. This method keeps the tension close and even, so you are pulling on the fibers, not drafting them, and they will be able to pull out of the carding cloth more cleanly. I’ve used a couple of dowels or knitting needles before, but I prefer this….

Removing a batt from a drum carder

That’s a roll from the middle of plastic wrap. It’s a sturdy tube, and just enough wider than my swift to give my hands a place to be. The other thing is a random large plastic bag. I usually have a long strip of brown paper, but this was handy. You could also use a strip of cloth, such as denim. You just want it wider than your drum, and a little longer than the circumference. Tuck the bag and tube under the loose end of fiber.  (In case it isn’t clear, I’m standing at the back of my carder.)

Removing a batt from a drum carder
Removing a batt from a drum carder

And start rolling, lifting the swift up when needed.

Removing a batt from a drum carder
Removing a batt from a drum carder

As you can see in that last one, there’s a nep or two left, I didn’t worry about those, I don’t want them in my batt.

But this…..I want in my batt, and if I kept rolling, more and more would be left on the drum instead of in my batt.

Removing a batt from a drum carder

So I stop, and grab something that will fit down in the teeth, and put these back on my roll.

Removing a batt from a drum carder
Removing a batt from a drum carder

Here’s another option, this is a cleaning brush. I can use it to snag up the end of the fiber. Any tool that is handy!

Removing a batt from a drum carder

Once you get all the way around, then you can unroll it, and voila!

Removing a batt from a drum carder

I hope that helps you with your drum carding! Feel free to ask questions in the comments.

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Shop Update – Falkland, Hankies, and More

I just did a fairly good sized shop update, I invite you to check it out!

First up are some Falkland Gradients:
Periwinkle to Petunia Falkland
The Long Winter Falkland
Hibiscus Falkland
Darner Dragonfly Falkland

And some variegated. The Rainbow and Koi Pond are discounted….they both are a little muddier than I like, although it will pull off the surface if you don’t want it.
Iris Falkland
Tropical Rainbow Falkland
Koi Pond Falkland

I have a Tiger Stripe sock yarn for you!
Tiger Stripe Journey

And a super soft Alpaca Marl.
Amazon Cracker Merino Alpaca

I have a few new sets of Mawata Silk Hankies…..Iris, and Globe Trotter.
Iris Mawata Silk
Globe Trotter Mawata Silk

And some miscellaneous fibers from Tiger Club….Shetland and Cheviot, and Merino Silk.
Falling Leaves Shetland
Globe Trotter Cheviot
Amazon Cracker Merino Silk

Stop by and check out all these and more! I’ve also been making Grand Old Flag like a crazy person to keep up with demand.  Thanks for dropping in!!
Grand Old Flag - Tiger Twist Sock Yarn


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Fleece Sampling

I thought I’d give you an update on the Corriedale/Friesian fleece I’ve been working on.  The washing is ongoing, but I encouraged myself by doing some sampling.

I started very simply, just a lock and a Golding ring spindle. I prepared it by breaking off the sunburnt tips, then grabbing an end of the lock in each hand and pulling it diagonally back and forth to straighten and loosen the fibers a bit. Then I spun from the fold, and plied the single with itself. Even within the single lock, the color variations took center stage, making a lovely complex yarn.

Corrie/Friesian Fleece Sampling

From L to R: Combed from end, 3 ply woolen from lock, 2 ply woolen from lock

I am thinking of a sweater for this yarn, so my next try was the same technique, but then I n-plyed the single. It is rounder and nicely bouncy, but it is quite fuzzy. I suppose I should expect that for a woolen technique, but it is quite a bit fuzzier than the 2 ply sample. I kinda like it.
Working on Samples of Corrie Friesian Fleece

Time to pull out some toys! My Valkyrie Mini Combs made quick work of a couple of locks, and I spun the resulting top from the end (not smoothing, but worsted-ish technique), then plied it to itself. I love the resulting yarn, however I am spying a potential problem. The lighter and darker color fibers separate somewhat with the combing, which could lead to a stripey yarn. In my ply-back, it isn’t over all noticeable, however looking at the extreme ends that are now plied together….they are distinctly different colors. I will have to try this again, combing two different batches and then spinning each, and plying them together, and swatching to see if I get a color change. This yarn would be fabulous for a woven project.

Corrie Friesian Sample

To combat the color change, and to switch back to my preferred longish-draw technique, I combed up two batches of locks, and blocked/stacked the resulting rovings tip to tail. Then I pulled off chunks of the doubled top and spun from the fold. I think this mitigated the color differences nicely, however my yarn was not as consistent as the combed top spun from the end. I’ll have to try again, paying attention to my combing so they finish in the directions I want them….I didn’t bother this time, and I think they were working against each other.

Corrie/Friesian Sampling

Overall, I’m pleased with all the samples, I’m sure I can use them all in some way and the yarn is pleasant in all the different forms. I will redo my samples on my wheel when I get closer to doing a project, as I’ll do the spinning on there, and I can more easily explore the effects of the amount of twist. Overall, I prefer the end-spun combed top, although the woolen spun 3 ply is a close second.

Corrie/Friesian Sampling

From L to R: Combed, blocked, then spun woolenish from fold and 2 plied; Combed, spun worstedish from end, 2 ply; Spun woolen from fold of lock, 3 ply; Spun woolen from fold of lock, 2 ply.

I have a lot more washing to do, but I’m on hold this week as I’m dyeing club. I’ll be back with more about this particular fleece as the story unfolds.

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Calla Lily – April Tiger Club

May Tiger Club only has one more day to sign up!  Here is what happened in April:

Calla Lily
Calla Lily in HDR.

April is sort of the renewal of the club, as the very first one was in April. Thus I took a look at the past year, and tallied up colors. Looks like I needed pink, purple, and yellow. Overwhelmingly, the image search gave me Calla Lilies.

Interestingly enough, I also got this: 🙂


To replicate our flower, I needed a white fiber, and I love Falkland for this.  It is whiter than white, and a lovely texture.  Compare it to Corriedale, but it is really a ‘wool pool’ of fine fleeced sheep on the Falkland Islands.  To dye this, I mixed up a base purply-pink, then diluted it progressively to make a gradient ombre, then added the shocking bit of yellow to the center.

Calla Lily - April Tiger Club - Falkland Wool Combed Top


Lilies have a shiny coat of wax on them, and I wanted to portray that in the yarn.  I chose Panda sock yarn, as the bamboo in the blend has a nice sheen.  I had a lot of fun dip dyeing these, then I brushed on the yellow stamen.

Calla Lily - April Tiger Club - Panda Sock Yarn

As I said, we are gearing up for May Club.  The fiber and yarn are here already, and I’m excited to get working on it.  Want to be a part of it?  Sign up on our website through tomorrow, Friday, May 15.



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Time to wash the fleece!

Last fall, I purchased this lovely fleece at the Wisconsin Sheep and Wool festival…..

Corriedale Friesian Wool Fleece

I saw it judged as part of the Junior fleece show, and stalked it like a hawk at the sale afterward. I had originally gone looking for a delicious silver fleece….but had to have this one.

Corriedale Friesian Wool Fleece

As you can see, this is a Corriedale Friesian cross, a huge 11 pounds. The staff working the sale were very excited about this one, the seller, Anne Hinchley, is an up and coming shepherdess that they have been very impressed with. I’ll be looking for her this fall.

I felt terrible putting the fleece on the back burner, but our house was under construction at the time, and I didn’t want sawdust, nails, and slivers of coil stock in it. Winter isn’t great for fleece washing, either….I don’t want to clog the sewer with lanolin, and I know this fleece will have a fair amount. But now it is spring, and I can do initial cold soaks outside, and let the hot water baths cool, and dump it all on my flower gardens, who will love the extra goodies.

Corriedale Fresian Wool Fleece

As you can see, there are many colors in the fleece….here are five I grabbed. I can’t wait to turn this into….a Fair Isle sweater? Woven fabric for a jacket? Something I haven’t though of yet? Or maybe several somethings from each of the colors. I can’t wait to see what they look like when they are clean!   Look at the crimp!  Delicious!

Corriedale Fresian Wool Fleece

That is going to take a while, though. As you can see, the fleece is quite disorganized, and many tips are sunburned. There is a lot of hay and…um…other things in it. I grabbed an area of light color, and filled my 6 little lingerie bags, they are now soaking in cold water in buckets. I’ll let them go a few hours, then change the water and leave them overnight. Tomorrow, I’ll do the hot soapy washes. Yay!

Edited to add:  I’ve had a few questions now on the cold soaks.  A lot of what is on the fleece is pee/poo and basic barnyard dirt.  These will all come off fine with cool water, and the soaking time lets it loosen.  I can’t felt my fiber, as the water is cold, and I’m not agitating anything, just letting it soak.  My first rinse was a nasty yellowish brown after just 2 hours, and there is not a lot of wool in each bucket….maybe 12 ounces.  My hostas are loving their ‘tea’.

I’ll be doing the hot water washing inside, since the water temperature would drop too quickly outside.  My family appreciates that I’m not heating up manure in the house.  🙂

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ShOcKiNG! March Tiger Club Reveal

Yep, reveal is a wee bit late this month. Thanks for allowing us to take a little vacation. We are back, and ready to start April’s Club dyeing!

For March, I wanted to shake up the colors a bit….I’ve done a lot of subdued colors lately, and many of them have featured blue. I also wanted to revisit some dyeing techniques I hadn’t used in a while. So I took pure bright fuschia, and paired it with delicious strawberry red, and let them play in the kettle. The results are SHOCKING!, and my dye studio will be pink for some time to come!

Shocking - March 2015 Tiger Club - New England Combed Top

Our fiber is New England Top, a wool pool of the Eastern states. It’s quite a nice general wool….corriedale like. It slurped up the color, and they actually blended and made colors I didn’t know would appear!

Shocking - March 2015 Tiger Club - Safari Sock Yarn

Our sock yarn is my personal favorite, Safari. The wool is Corriedale, which stands up to the abuse socks take better than Merino. It’s also blended with nylon, which adds more strength. The yarn blooms nicely into the stitches when washed, making a comfy and cushiony sock. These are kettle dyed (and overdyed!), so no two skeins are alike. It was really fun to do.

I’m gearing up for April’s club, and then I’ll be opening Tiger Club for new memberships on May 1. We’d love for you to join us, I love creating new things every month, and trying new fiber and yarn.

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Driftwood – February 2015 Tiger Club Reveal

Driftwood Inspiration

I rather enjoyed looking around our home for last month’s ‘Globe Trotter’ inspiration, so I took a cue from this corner for February. Our 50’s home came with this turquoise block wall, and to tone things down I painted the walls a pale sand, and found this great picture of a bird playing in the surf. The driftwood grey of the frame, and various brown matts bring it all together.

Ever since Salted Cashmere Mochaccino, I’ve been considering how to make a graduated yarn that would have the stripes stay a similar width on a triangular (or other top-down) shawl. I did a crazy lot of math, and came up with some numbers that turned out beautiful and proportional. I decided on 9 sections, and to have the three colors of the theme to go from light to medium to dark.

Driftwood - Feb 2015 Tiger Club - Tiger Twist

Here’s another view, with the colors stretched out….I’m afraid the light isn’t as good, but you get the idea. The beginning pale tan section is about 7 yards long, and each section gets longer until the charcoal, which is about 100 yards.

I did have a bit of an issue with the yarn, I don’t know where my brain was. This is Tiger Twist, and the skeins are larger than usual; 4.7 ounces and 466 yards.

February Tiger Club - Tiger Twist Gradient

We’re having a discussion on Ravelry about shawlette patterns to use, do stop by and make your suggestions! I’m looking forward to knitting up my own, and then applying this formula to the regular line of yarn.

Our fiber this month is an old favorite in a different form….Superwash Blue Faced Leicester. Ah, superwash, how you slurp up colors!

Driftwood - Feb 2015 Tiger Club - SW BFL

Fiber clubbers, you are more than welcome to pop into the shawl discussion, we’ve already found several that would work better with that gradual transition that a hand spun yarn will have.

For everyone, if you want to stretch this out, there are many color pairings you can make. I was thinking rust colors, or sage or pine greens, but a butter yellow was mentioned today, and that would work, too.

Did you miss the fun? Tiger Club is open this month through the 15th for new subscriptions. The club will not open in April, so don’t miss the boat!

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Tiger Club Reveal – Globe Trotter – Jan 2015

Ah, winter. Nothing like snow and cold to lend a feeling of cabin fever. With this in mind, I looked for a theme for January’s Tiger Club….and found it in our well used globe. I love how handsome the muted tones are, and brought that feeling to our yarn and fiber. I admit I dithered on the title a bit….Earth Tones? Might be confusing. Around the Wool in 80 Days? Too long. So I settled on Globe Trotter.

Globe Trotter Tiger Club Jan 2015 - Cheviot and Tiger Sport

The fiber is Cheviot, and if you’ve been paying attention around the web, its currently being chatted up quite a bit. The wool has a unique structure to it, lending loftiness no matter how you spin it. It makes fantastic socks, or other objects where you’d like some sproing and hard wearing.

Our yarn is Tiger Sport, because such a large subject needs a big yarn! I used a hand-painted across technique, which will make some great pooling and stacking in the round.

GlobeTrotter in Cheviot and Tiger Sport, Jan 2015 Tiger Club

I hope you’ll enjoy working with your yarn or wool while watching a travelogue to cheer up the dreary winter.

For February, I’m working up a new stripe for our yarn, I’m thinking appropriate for a shawlette. And I have a fiber we haven’t technically had before, but is a variation of an old favorite. There are some Club spots available, you may sign up through February 15th. Tiger Club is available for gifting, also….just contact me and I can set you (or your sweetie) up with a custom number of months.

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