Tiger Club Reveal – Dawning

Ah, December Tiger Club….a finish to one year, but a kick off for the new.  In honor of the transition, I chose an idea of hope…..a new dawn.  This is the inspiration photo, from which I took the colors of inky navy, saturated blue, blue-violet, an orange-pink, and a pink-orange.

Night Sky

As you know, I’ve been steering more toward stripes for yarn in the shop, and Club benefits from my experiments!  Here I went with wide stripes on Panda, a blend of superwash Merino, Bamboo, and Nylon.  Love the shine.

Dawning - December 2012 Tiger Club - Panda Sock Yarn

And for the fiber, I made a gradient on a blend of Merino, Bamboo, and Tussah Silk.  It is delicious!

Dawning - December 2012 Tiger Club - Merino Bamboo Tussah

Out of my club yarn experiment, I’ve perfected the long stripes in many colors, and I’ll soon be bringing them to the shop……for example, here is a mini version of what will be Tropical Rainbow Stripe.  The lucky folks at Phat Fiber and the Des Moines Sticks and String will be getting these little treats.

Tropical Rainbow Stripe - Coming Soon!

In the meantime, watch for a fiber update coming soon, I have a couple of colors of Targhee and a bunch of Superwash Merino to list.  And Tiger Club is open for January subscriptions until the 15th.

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Spiced – November Tiger Club Reveal


Ah, November…..fall is in full swing, with the Holidays swiftly approaching.  From the kitchen come delicious wafts of cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla, and pumpkin everything.  Tiger Club was treated to a little something from my dye kitchen, inspired by all this yumminess.  Spiced is a rich warm brown color, applied in a semisolid manner for subtle movement in your project.

Spiced - Journey Sock - November 2012 Tiger Club

The sock yarn is a new one for The Painted Tiger.  Journey clocks in at 463 yards, is a blend of superwash Merino and nylon, and has a nice twist to it that lends shine and strength.  Journey will be next up for striping yarns in the shop, so watch for that in the future.

Spiced - SW Merino Top - November 2012 Tiger Club

The fiber for this month is Superwash Merino.  Sometimes good ole plain vanilla is best, and this fiber shows off the many shades of warm brown so well.  I hope you are able to enjoy some relaxing spinning with this during the Holidays.

Thanks for checking out the November club reveal!  Like what you see and want to get in on the December Club?  Limited spots are open through Saturday, Dec 15th.  Want to purchase club as a gift?  Simply use their address when signing up, and I can do that for you.  You can tailor the length of their gift by deciding when to unsubscribe, which you control.  Questions?  Do ask!

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Sugar Coated Mitts

I have this tendency to tackle huge long term projects, so it seems I get nothing done at all.  To revive my interest and confidence, I decided to do a little project with the bits of Targhee I dyed as color testers for October’s Tiger Club.  This will also give me a chance to show you a little photo tutorial about plying using a ‘bracelet’, also known as Andean plying.

Sugar Coated Mitts - Targhee Spinning/Knitting Project

I had about 1.2 ounces, a poof of each color.  I opened the top into a flat strip, then split the piece in half, and set one aside.  The other half, I divided again.  The idea….to make two mostly matching skeins, and I’m going to make a two ply yarn that preserves most of the striping without being obsessive about it.

Sugar Coated Mitts - Targhee Spinning/Knitting Project

I spun each quarter color in order, then reversed color order.  You could spin the two repeats separately, but this is such a small amount I didn’t want to have leftovers (not obsessive, remember?).

Sugar Coated Mitts - Targhee Spinning/Knitting Project

Then I wound a plying bracelet (sometimes called Andean Plying).  Since the kids are around, and the phone continues to ring and ring (I think all the other companies are making up for the election being over!), I used a little hardback book and a popsicle stick so I would not be trapped.  I also tend to cut off the circulation to my finger if I use my hand.  Anyway,  hold the end in the middle, then come up and around the stick, down and around the back, then up and around the other side of the stick.  Continue until all the singles are on there, and I knot the two ends together so they don’t escape.

Sugar Coated Mitts - Targhee Spinning/Knitting Project
Sugar Coated Mitts - Targhee Spinning/Knitting Project

Then slip your hand under the yarn on the back of the book, and wiggle it down onto your wrist.

Sugar Coated Mitts - Targhee Spinning/Knitting Project

And gently pull out the popsicle stick.  Pull the ends, and they will orderly peel off.

Sugar Coated Mitts - Targhee Spinning/Knitting Project
Sugar Coated Mitts - Targhee Spinning/Knitting Project

And then rinse and repeat….

Sugar Coated Mitts - Targhee Spinning/Knitting Project

Here’s my finished yarn…..it came out quite even for just eyeballing, and the lengths of the two skeins are only off a few yards.

Sugar Coated Mitts - Targhee Spinning/Knitting Project

I then sat down with a ruler, a piece of paper, and my calculator.  My yarn ended up about 14wpi, which is the same as most of my sock yarns that I have experience with, so I skipped the swatch.

Sugar Coated Mitts - Targhee Spinning/Knitting Project

I figured out where I wanted the top opening to end, distance to my thumb, distance to my wrist, and how quickly I’d need to decrease to make it happen.

Sugar Coated Mitts - Targhee Spinning/Knitting Project

I knit these top-down on my knitting machine, so that I could use every last inch of yarn.  They turned out pretty well, I think, although I have ideas to improve the pattern, and may dye and spin a little more to put thumbs on these (the poor things are cold!).

Sugar Coated Mitts - Targhee Spinning/Knitting Project

Sugar Coated Mitts - Targhee Spinning/Knitting Project

And now the kids want some!  They were quick and fun, so I think I can honor that request.  In the meantime, I’m queuing up my next big project.  There’s 8-10 hours of car spinning coming up, plus hanging around with my parents who live in front of the TV.  🙂

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Fresh from the Dyepot – Targhee

I feel like a kid in a candy store, dyeing up this luscious Targhee top. It is soft and springy and such fun to spin. Great for socks or anything else you want to bounce back.

Anytime I have a new fiber, it has to pass the Rainbow test.
Rainbow Targhee

Out of the Deep was inspired by a song we’ve been singing in choir. Dark and mysterious…..
Out of the Deep Targhee

Koi Pond is a favorite here at TPT…..and look at the shawl Irieknit on Ravelry made with the same colorway in a different fiber…..

Koi Pond Targhee

Koi Pond Shawl

Ok, I admit it, I dyed this batch of Forest for myself. I’ll also be making the No Fuss Shade Loving Shawl as part of our Fractal SAL/KAL, and I’m a sucker for green and brown. I dyed this with a triangle shawl in mind, increasing the amounts of each color. I’d love to see your interpretation of this compared to mine!

Forest Targhee

I so enjoyed how Autumn Splendor came out on Tiger Sport that I decided to try it on the Targhee, and wow, is it cool! This is also my Phat Fiber offering for November.

Autumn Splendor Targhee

Xanadu is just plain fun, and much more vibrant than my camera would allow.

Xanadu Targhee

And a nice bookend to the collection, Tropical Rainbow.

Tropical Rainbow Targhee

Hope you’ll try this lovely fiber, you can browse the Targhee and other fibers in the shop.

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Sugar Coated – Tiger Club Reveal

For October’s Tiger Club, I wanted to go with a seasonal theme, but in an unexpected way.  Traditional brown, orange, and yellow combined with bright blue, green, and pink to give us a candy coated treat.

Smarties British Candy

My inspiration was Smarties, a candy that is like M&M’s, and are available in Canada, parts of Europe, Australia, and South Africa.  On a fun note, in the UK the orange ones are filled with orange flavored chocolate, and in the past there was a tan one with coffee flavored chocolate!

Sugar Coated - Tiger Tweed - Tiger Club October 2012
To show off the fun colors, I chose Tiger Tweed as the yarn base, as the plies of regular and superwash merino take the dyes with different intensity.  I dyed in-the-round, so these colors will stack and swirl.

Sugar Coated - Targhee - Tiger Club October 2012

The fiber is a new one for The Painted Tiger, and it is here to stay.  Targhee is a breed developed in the United States from Rambouillet (French Merino), Corriedale, and Lincoln.  It is a dual purpose breed that is adapted to the dry western graze lands.  The wool is fine, dense, lofty, and quite elastic, making it suited for fine and light knit and woven fabrics with good shape retention.  (Paraphrased from “In Sheep’s Clothing” by the Fournier’s)

Our Targhee is grown and processed right here in the USA, and I’m proud to be dyeing it.  Look for colors available in the shop soon.

Spots are open in Tiger Club right now for November’s Club.  My fantastic members are so loyal that spots are limited….I added several sock spots and a few fiber spots to allow new people to join.  So if you’d like to try, please stop by the shop.  Subscriptions close November 15th.


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I am sure that many of you have heard already, but the building housing Judith MacKenzie’s studio burned down over the weekend, which included many wheels, looms, books,woolies, and much of her life work. There is a website to donate if you would like to help get her back on her feet (there is insurance, but we all know how long that takes). There will also be an auction, and I’ve already seen some of the amazing things that are being donated. TPT will be offering something.

I waited to tell you about the website to be sure it is all on the up and up, and turns out that it is all legit. But please, if you are torn between donating to Judith or donating to a cause helping those out east….please help those out east.

Link to the information and donation site.

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Fiber Friday!

It is time for Fiber Friday, I’ve been working hard and have a bunch of new eye candy for you!

First up is new lace yarn.  You will find 20/2 Spun Silk and Zephyr 50/50 Silk Merino. The deep blue Abyss color is featured in the new book by the Ladies of Mischief!
Lace Yarn Update October 2012

Next up are fibers….Tussah silk, Polwarth, and variety of other things….Merino/Yak, Alpaca, Merino/Silk, and Superwash Merino.
Fiber Update October 2012

And finally I have a large sock yarn update. I’ve brought Tiger Cub back, and there are 38 colors….all for only $22 a skein. Plus I have a skein of tiger stripes, and one of autumn stripes. Check them out!

Sock Yarn Update, October 2012

Hope you have great plans for this beautiful fall weekend.  Happy spinning and knitting, Tiger Fans!

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Tiger Club – Passage to India

Tiger Club took a little voyage in September.  Inspired by a paint palette in a magazine, Passage to India celebrates some of the rich colors of the country.  Mossy green, Sari Pink, precious Turquoise, rich Brown, and a deep pink-Red.

Passage to India - Tiger Club Sept 2012 - Bengal Twist

I used Bengal Twist for the yarn as I knew the colors would stand out.  The fiber is luscious silver alpaca and silk.  For both, I used a frosted technique that allowed the original natural color to shine through randomly.

Passage to India - Tiger Club Sept 2012 - Alpaca Silk

Tiger Club is still open through Monday the 15th for October Club. I have a brand new fiber for TPT, and it is grown and processed in the USA. I’m pretty excited about it. Our yarn will be a fun one, and the colors will be sure to please those with a sweet tooth.

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2012 Wisconsin Sheep and Wool

A few weeks ago, my daughter and I spent a long weekend at the Wisconsin Sheep and Wool Festival in Jefferson, Wisconsin.  We went up Friday morning, and soon had our tent pitched. I was very glad I brought the tarp, as the weekend was pretty rainy and cool, and we would have been very miserable if we were wet.

We went shopping first, and I’ll get back to that.  Here’s the rest of the weekend in no particular order.  There are more pictures on Flickr, particularly of sheep, so click through if you want to see more.  You are welcome to borrow any sheep pictures.

Always a favorite at the festival is the ring with newborn lambs. These triplets were born before the weekend, and three sets of twins were born over the three days.

We enjoyed watching the sheep dog trials…..
Working dog

Everyone (well, except the dog’s owner) laughed when a dog became very distracted by the masses of birds in a nearby reservoir an decided to flush them.


And my daughter made a friend (yes, she had permission to pet her).
A new friend

We spent some time ‘flirting’ with the sheep waiting for shearing demonstrations….

And enjoyed watching David shear sheep. We could (and did) watch for hours throughout the weekend.
All done

We also toured the barns with sheep for the shows, and there were many breeds. This particular sheep really wanted to be petted. (Most preferred pictures only.)

And some other great sheep…..

We learned about rug hooking, and enjoyed looking at all the lovely examples….
Hooked Rug
Hooked Rug
Hooked Rug

My daughter took the Needle-felting ‘Wool Ewe Teach Me’ class, and had a fabulous time (while I got to take another tour of the market). She made this:
Needle Felting Class
And then the class made a banner for the sheep and wool festival to keep….
Sheep and border collie
Felting Class

Need more sheep pictures? We missed these lambs being born by minutes….we were watching shearing in the same building….doh!

I also enjoyed lunch with a friend, talked with several of my vendor friends (Hi Gale and Catherine), and staked out the fleece judging and auction with some FOAY’ers (Hi Erin and Ellen!) We saw the most beautiful coated Cormo (it won), and a fabulous gorgeous BFL fleece (reserve). There were some really nice fleeces there, but I was money and space poor by then, and thinking of the Clun Forest that I bought last year that isn’t washed yet. 🙁

So what did I buy in the market on Friday?

I picked up a belt and boat shuttle, made by Kessenich in Oak. She commented that I like oak, and I replied that our street name is even Oak. 🙂
Kessenich Belt Shuttle in Oak
Kessinich Boat Shuttle in Oak

I’ve had an interest in making inkle bands, so I picked up this new book. I’ll review it for you later.
Inkle Pattern Directory Book

I stopped by Mielke’s (probably my favorite booth), and looked at Adam’s spindles. My first ‘real’ spindle is one of his, and I still like it a lot, so I thought I’d add another. This one is fiddleback maple with a maple shaft and comes in at 20 grams.
Adam Spindle

And, who can go without new fiber for a new spindle? I got a lovely 8oz ball of Coopworth roving from Maple Row (my second favorite booth) in shades of green and brown.
Coopworth and Spindle

Also at Maple Row, I picked up this cool thing. It was suggested as an orifice hook, but could also be used for crochet or whatever. I bought it because…..cast iron sheep….cool! It was good that I did, they were gone soon after and I would have been kicking myself.
Cast Iron Sheep Hook
Sheep Hook Detail

And last (but actually the first purchase), I picked up 4 bags of lamb fleeces for dyeing locks. They smell wonderful. (Yes, I’m a farm girl.)
Four Bags Full
I’m washing this one today:
Mmmmmm, fleece!

And I couldn’t resist a black fleece for me.
One black fleece for meeeee!!

So despite the wet and wind and cold, we had a really fabulous time.  We laughed a lot, saw cool things, met interesting people, and ate and ate and ate.  My daughter highly approved and is excited to go again next year.  I’m thrilled to have a travel buddy!

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Getcher Stripes Here!!

At long last, I’ve designed a self-striping yarn that is beautiful and works for production. Each skein is hand wound and then dyed in pattern, then rewound for you. I hope you like them as much as I do! Great for on the go or last minute projects with wow factor.

Also….this is introducing Tiger Sport, which will replace Tiger Twist. It is only ever so slightly thicker, but is a denser 3 ply yarn for more stitch definition and longer wear.

Raspberry Mocha - Tiger Sport
Where's My Broom - Tiger Sport
Mississippi Mud- Tiger Sport
Koi Pond - Tiger Sport
Forest - Tiger Sport
Favorite Sweater- Tiger Sport
Campfire - Tiger Sport
Autumn Splendor - Tiger Sport
Aurora - Tiger Sport

Join the striping band wagon and come on over to Ravelry where we are having a KAL with the new stripey yarn!

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