
The cable to run the self-propelling part of our lawn mower broke, and hubby has just not gotten to fixing it. So our yard is becoming a bit overgrown, neglected, and prime wildlife habitat.

We have plenty of squirrels of all colors, and they are happily feasting on acorns. There’s a big groundhog/woodchuck who lumbers across the lawn, getting fat on whatever it can find. The neighbors’ little solar sound makers worked and their moles are now joyfully tunneling through our quiet yard. Chipmunks skitter about, and of course we flush out a few rabbits now and then, especially since the hawks seem to have moved on.

The other day I looked out the window, there was this pretty little thing:
I admit to being a little concerned….it is unusual for a deer with spots to be without supervision. I needn’t have worried…..

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Tiger Club Reveal – August 2011

Time for another reveal!  August was about the waning days of summer, and enjoying those last pretty evenings before we have to worry about bedtimes and homework.  “Sunset over Sage” is a glorious purple-coral-straw sunset over a field of sagey green.

Sunset over Sage - Bengal Sock - August 2011 Tiger Club

The hand painted Bengal sock yarn was designed for something called Planned Pooling, certainly not a new concept, but developed into an ‘on purpose’ technique by Gladys We and Karla Stuebing (a.k.a. wenat and statnerd on Ravelry).  Here is their handout from a workshop they gave at Sock Summit. Hold that thought…..I’ll get back to intentional pooling in a minute.

Since I designed the sock yarn to do lace, I thought a fiber meant for lace would be a good compliment. So the fiber is Wensleydale. It has a lovely long staple, and begs to be spun thin. The color repeats are short, considering the staple length, so I will be interested to see what people do with it.  Anyhow, hands far apart, and keep the twist low.

Sunset over Sage - Wensleydale Top - August 2011 Tiger Club

All right, back to the pool! My original thought was to try to knit the scarf on my knitting machine. It would be cool….I would be able to see the whole row knit at once and be able to control the tension more easily. And I could count the stitches in each color and design a lace pattern to match. And then I wouldn’t have to mess with directions or charts….just let the machine keep track of that.

Sunset Over Sage....attempt at Planned Pooling on the knitting machine

So I diligently set out a few repeats.
Lining up the repeats

Safety pins and knitting machines don’t mix, so I use a single ply of a waste yarn to pierce and tie where the turns would be.
Marked turn around spots

And then I put it on the machine.

Too many stitches on this side…..
Too many stitches on this side....

And not enough here…..
Not quite enough stitches...

Ah….just right!
Lining up the turn arounds....

Once I got the first couple of rows lined up, it seemed to be going well.
Hey, this intentional pooling might work!

Except you can see that top row shifting……and I tried to get it back, tried to cycle it around, tried different tensions and stitch numbers….and well…..I got this:

There’s moments in there….but not at all what I was imagining.
Planned Pooling?

So ribbit ribbit ribbit……and some circular needles, and here is where I am. I have no idea what size these are, and I haven’t counted the stitches. I’m using seed stitch (because anything more complicated is going to fall out of my head right now), and it seems to be working out ok. I watch each color and adjust the yarn so the colors stack pretty well.
Planned Pooling Progress

One inch down…..about 70 or so to go!!!

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July Tiger Club Reveal

All right, all right, so not everything got done on my to-do list before vacation. I totally missed getting the July reveal up. So at long last, here it is.

For the last hurrah of summer, I wanted to do a cool fiber, so Bamboo was the go-to plan. And I had opportunity to purchase some of the neat carbonized bamboo, so I needed a colorway that would look striking with black. How about this…..

So, Northern Aurora was born!
Northern Aurora - Rayon of Bamboo - July Tiger Club

And for sock yarn that matched, I wound up 1/2 skeins and dyed half black and half in the turquoise/pink/purple.
Northern Aurora - Panda Sock Yarn - July Tiger Club

As a side note, this picture of the fireworks at Disney came up during my inspiration search. It is showing the battle of the fairies over Aurora’s dress color in Sleeping Beauty. Pink! No, Blue! I found it amusing, and it became a great teaser clue for the club colors.

Pink! No, Blue!

Thanks for your patience about this reveal! August Club is closed and is being dyed as I type this. It is scrumptious….5 main colors and so pretty, perhaps hinting at fall, but not cliche. Stay tuned on Ravelry and/or Facebook for hints (or take a guess!).

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Yesterday I overdyed some wool.  I wish I had taken a before picture, because it is wonderful what overdyeing can do.  The wool was all kinds of weird colors, dyed from remnants of dyebaths when I was just teaching myself how to dye spinning fiber.  What was I thinking?  Some weird pink, more pink with odd blue bits, apricot (ok, that wasn’t bad, but I’m not an orange person), strange greens, not-quite browns, and a black-red.

I have in mind to weave a nice blanket for myself (my acrylic throw isn’t that warm, and is always being ‘borrowed’ to make forts, anyhow).  So, I tossed these odds and ends that would never be used otherwise into two dyebaths.  One a golden green, the other a deep brown.  Now I have a whole pile of lovely gradations and shades of colors.  The goal is to spin much of it on vacation, these are Northwoods colors, it will be neat to do at least some of the project there.  I’m also taking my new Valkarie Mini 2 pitch combs.  They are really fabulous, and are going to make this wool a dream to spin.

To get to the title (!), I pulled an old sheet off of a box of fleece I’ve been meaning to wash all summer to use to dry the overdyed wool on the driveway.  When I took the sheet back in the evening, I discovered a little ivory and grey marble.  Erm.  Egg.  Where did that come from?  I looked at the baseball helmet I was holding in my other hand….and hmmmm, yes.  There’s a big nest in there!

What's in here?

With 3 more eggs in it.  Well, I love animals, but I didn’t want an active nest on my fleece, so I cleared the area off, and grabbed a chunk of ‘junk wool’  (the bottom of the nest was very thin, since it was on the sheet, that is how the egg fell out).  So now here is her little set up, and as you can see, Mama Wren is happy.

LOL, she does look a little wary, doesn’t she? The wildlife around here is sure enjoying the break in the temperatures. There was a doe in our backyard during lunch, and the woodchuck is busy getting fat. The kids saw a raccoon after our band concert last night. There are more chickadees at the feeder, and I even saw our poor Albert (Cardinal). He’s bald on his head except for a pitiful red mohawk.

I’m looking forward to seeing (and hearing) Loons and Bald Eagles in a few days. Hope you have plans to enjoy a cooler week before school starts!


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Rainbows are always popular at The Painted Tiger…..I love to make them, and knitters and spinners love to make stuff with them.  I’ve been overdue for a batch, so here’s what came out of the dyepot one sunny afternoon!

Rainbow Brite - Striping Fillet of Sole on Safari Sock

These are the new Fillet of Sole yarns I’ve been making on my new yarn, Safari (corriedale and nylon blend).  Rainbow Brite is all bright and rainbow-ee with a side of navy that will really make the colors pop even more.  Each side will alternate in rows about 3 stripes wide.

Tropical Rainbow - Panda Sock

Here’s some Tropical Rainbow on Panda – Merino/Bamboo/Nylon blend.  This is really great for items that want some drape…baby blankets, scarves, shawls.  Fun for weaving on your Rigid Heddle loom.  And it makes great socks, too!

Tropical Rainbow - Tiger Twist

Tiger Twist is the most popular sock yarn in my shop….it is thick and cushy, but high twist so it has great durability for merino wool.  Here it soaks up the sunshine of a Tropical Rainbow.

Rainbow Replenishment 7/29/11

All of these are located in the Rainbow section of the shop.  Enjoy a rainbow today!

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Introducing Safari Sock Yarn!

After long development and Tiger Club testing, I’m ready to release a new yarn to the line up. This is Safari, which is 75% superwash colonial wool and 25% nylon, this means sturdy and pill resistant. It has been knit into a double stranded sock blank, then dyed half and half in gradients. These will give you about 3 row stripes on socks like this:
Autumn Sox

You can find these 4 colors up in the shop, with more to come over the coming months.
Fillet of Sole Sock Blanks on Safari Wool Nylon Sock Yarn

Need more convincing….here’s some of my socks made from this yarn and style of dyeing:
Autumn Sox
New technique on new sock base
Darner Dragonfly Socks - Safari Fille of Sole

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Corriedale Cross – New Colors

I love this wool….spins up quick and felts nicely.  I’ve dyed up ten new colors for you!
Corriedale Cross Hand Dyed Combed Top - 7/19/11

Need a link?  Here’s one for the Corriedale Cross Wool Top!

Posted in Fresh From the Dyepot | 3 Comments

June Tiger Club Reveal

Time for a reveal!  It was definitely time for a luxury fiber for Club, and I found a great deal on a 50/50 Merino/Yak blend.  It is soooooo soft, and the natural dark brown of the Yak lent itself well to deep colors.  Hence a color I’ve wanted to do for quite awhile, and is apropos considering the Tour de France/Fleece going on right now.  I present Bordeaux.
Bordeaux - Merino/Yak June 2011 Tiger Club

Sticking with Merino, I decided Tiger Twist was the right sock yarn this time out.  On both fiber and yarn, there are 5 different shades of burgundy that alternate.

Bordeaux - Tiger Twist - June 2011 Tiger Club

I’m looking forward to dyeing July’s Club next week, subscriptions close after July 15, we’d love to have you join us.  Think cool thoughts!

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Tour de Fleece 2011

I’ve been spinning along for this year’s Tour de Fleece, and thought I’d share my progress.  This is 4 oz of Merino/Bamboo/Nylon that I bought at last year’s Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival.  Pretty, isn’t it?!

Day 7 Tour De Fleece - MBN Finished!

The braid you see wrapped around these two bobbins is Merino/Bamboo/Tussah that I dyed to compliment the original braid.   I plan to ply the two together, and then make an amazing (and probably big) shawl from it.

How’s your Tour going?  Stop by Team Painted Tiger and show off your stuff!

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Have an MBT!

Summer brings to mind one of my favorite lunch pleasures….the BLT with fresh ripe tomatoes.  Yum, yum.

Merino, Bamboo, Tussah Blend Combed Tops

I hope you find this new fiber to be equally yummy….it’s a blend of 50% Merino wool, 25% Bamboo (rayon), and 25% Tussah Silk.  It makes for a shiny and super soft blend that can spin up nice and drapey using worsted short draw for shawls, or a nice soft stretchy sock yarn with extra durability if spun from the fold then plied tightly (cabling would be even better!)  There are 5 pretty colors, snatch yours up before they are gone!

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