
It’s been a week since my last library visit, which means my binge of Mother Earth News must go back today.  So I did a quick skim of the last two.

Back up a bit… of my friends has been discussing this book about baking bread.   Artisian Bread in Five Minutes a Day    I was telling her about my little tried and true no-knead Patio Bread recipe.

Well, I flipped open this MEN, and guess what?  There’s an ARTICLE about the book, and RECIPES.  So now I don’t have to wait for Amazon to get around to delivering it, I can try the bread right now.  Considering our family’s current concerns about eating more healthfully, yet being able to stay within our budget, this bread plan seems ideal. 

In short, you mix up enough dough for a week or so, and keep it in the fridge.  It’s a wet dough, so you don’t knead it at all.  Since it is slow rise, you don’t use as much expensive yeast, either.  When you want bread, you pull out a loaf worth, sit it on the counter for awhile, then stick it in the oven.  Voila!

Read the article for yourself.

I’m trying the wheat sandwich bread, cause that is our big pricy bread right now.  Nice bread with flax and other stuff in it costs a good $3 a loaf that doesn’t last us more than 2 days.  Yikers.

Had any experience with this book?  Have a fav bread recipe of your own?

Posted in Interesting stuff, Life | 2 Comments

Shoes 1

Once I started knitting socks with my hand dyed yarn, I realized that I needed shoes besides Crocs.  My Mammoths are great in winter and in the house, but don’t show much sock….and the summer Crocs create an unhappy pill fest.

My current shoes of choice are Dansko’s.  I never thought I would care for Mary Janes, but having your own socks to show off certainly changes all that.  Dansko’s are a bit heavy, but pretty comfy, plus they make me about an inch taller.  Not that I’m short, but the extra inch just changes my perspective a bit, KWIM?

So here is the first pair I bought, and a pretty good sale price.  I love the detailing.


Inhabiting the shoes are my Forest Glade socks made in Tiger Cub Fingering Yarn.


Have some lovely yarns in Tiger Twist plus some more Corriedale cooking today.  Think pink…with attitude!

Posted in FO's, Tiger Finds | 1 Comment


This little ditty came to my attention this morning…….

I thought it was fantastic, and my mind immediately went to the unique relationship I have with my art and with you!  I create beautiful colors on yarn and fiber……but YOU… take it and turn it into a new expression of art…..and I’ll admit I look excitedly at my yarnie Ravelry project page eagerly to see what you’ve made.  I am awed to be a part of such creativity!

Would you like to see your projects here on the blog, or perhaps in a gallery on my store site?  I would so love to share your part in the story of my creativity!!!

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Ring around the rosie, a pocket full of posies….

New today at is this basket of yarns in my new “Soft” collection.  Gentle hand dyed nearly/semi-solid colors in pastel pinks, blue, minty green, lavander, and buttery yellow.  Whether for Easter, your favorite little one, or because you love soft colors….these are for you.  Four of each color on my 3 ply Superwash Merino/Nylon Tiger Cub yarn, so mix and match ’em for larger projects, or great for a pair of socks when knit snugly.  Many of my customers use this yarn for lace shawls, also.

Soft Collection - Tiger Cub

If you prefer a non-superwash Merino, I’ll also be posting these on Etsy.  They are in Tiger Classic Sock, which I am discontinuing, so stop by for a good deal.  There are 2 each of these.
Soft collection in Tiger Classic

Posted in Etsy, Fresh From the Dyepot | 2 Comments

The Library and Vitamin D.

As an avid reader, it is only natural that I take my kids to Story Time at the library every week.  Now that the kids are a bit older, and are well known to the library staff, I can tarry a bit among the books for big people.  I love browsing the new shelf and finding the latest by my favorite author.  “The Other Queen” by Philippa Gregory was last week’s treat.

The library also saves me money.  I’m a magazine junky.  I love to read all the shelter mags, the art mags, the craft mags, the science mags, the DIY mags… get the idea.  Sadly, our library does not subscribe to any knitting mags, although I suppose that is fair….with all the patterns in there it would be best if the writers were paid.  Anyway, I try hard to not subscribe to mags I can borrow.  Not only do I save money, but it saves me clutter.  (I’m a pack rat, too!)

This latest trip, I picked up about a year’s worth of Mother Earth News.  Some of that mag is a bit too crunchy for me, but as a homestead raised frugal person, I enjoy it, and dream of greenness and gardens full of bounty.  I found a great article about making your own cleaners.  I’ve been using baking soda for years, but there were some suggestions that are improvements. 

They also have health information.  This article talks about Vitamin D, and that most people are running a severe deficit.  I’ll let you read the article yourself.   Personally, I’ll be looking for some D3 tablets, and try the 6 week challenge to see if I’ll feel better.  It’s been a long bleak winter!!

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Lace and Twist!

I had time this afternoon to list a couple of the latest batch of hand dyed yarns…..

These first two are lace.

Sable - Tabby Lace

Lakeshore -Tabby Lace

And here one on Tiger Twist in the new and improved 4oz skeins!

Colorado - Tiger Twist

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So soft…..

Fresh from the dyepot…..amazingly soft and beautiful corriedale top, all put up in 8oz braids….plenty here for many projects!

Choco Cherry Love:
Choco Cherry Love
My current fav, Colorado:
And two Rainbows….one in order, the other Zig Zag:
Rainbow 1
Rainbow Zig Zag

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Yesterday, our family went roller skating.

Now the last time I was seriously into roller skating was 8th grade, back at the time Roller Dancing was a big thing (like figure skating, but on skates), it was cool to have gigantic pink sparkly pom-poms on your skate laces, and roller blades were unheard of. Remember those kids that could skate way flat under the limbo pole? I was sooooo jealous.

It seems that the ground has moved since then. It is so much further away, and it isn’t quite so easy to stay upright, or turn, or really anything. Fortunately, I had a 4yo to shepherd around the rink (nevermind the 4 times we switched between kiddie trainer skates and real skates, cause he didn’t like either), so I didn’t need to go very fast, and could hug the wall a bit.

The 8yo was complaining (as she is wont to do) so I just ignored her. She was doing much better by the middle of our visit, which was good….since about then small children in shoes decided to run haphazardly around the rink. Somebody got them off of there, but misrule seemed to dominate this ‘rink’.

By this time, my charge was more interested in a soda, so I left him in a chair to take a real stab at this skating thing. A couple of rounds, and I’ve remembered most of how to do things, and have suitably impressed my daughter. Stopped by to check the son, then took off again. Then it happened.

I should have known better. So focused on staying upright, I forgot to get a good forward lean on the carpet-to-rink transition. Well, those wheels just took off, and the rest of me followed Newton’s Laws of Motion. Boom. On the floor. Owwwww.

To their credit, none of my family laughed (although momentary smirking may have occured). Both children immediately inquired into my well-being and offered hugs and encouragement. Hubby tried to haul me back to my feet, but I abandoned that in favor of crawling to a wall for support. Although I’m a little sore today, mostly the bruise was to my pride, so I survive to skate another day!

Can’t leave you without something fibery, so here…..a bad picture taken in the yarn drying room…..these puppies are ready to be listed this week. Watch for them!
Dyeing the week of Feb 16

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Pinkie and the Brain

This post has been a loooooong time in the making, so be prepared for a long and picture filled post!  For my after-Christmas business present to me, I ordered a Fancy Kitty Kitten drum carder.  I have a good friend with one, and have heard many good recommendations about it on Rav and elsewhere on the web, and for the price….I went for it.  My reason for needing one?  My first honkin’ big box of Brown Sheep fibers were down to bits, all the fiber in top form I had dyed already.  Yeah, I have hand cards….but the lure of all those pretty batts out there was quite the siren call.  Before I forget….let me tell you that Ron at Fancy Kitty has fantastic customer service, and the carder was packed so well it could have survived a fairly catastrophic shipping accident totally unscathed.

So here she is when I got her in January.  Miss FC, and a pile of slightly felty looking bits and pieces I had thrown into a dyepot that needed exhausting.
Before!  FK Carder, and pile of matted fiber.

This is the 90/72 carder, and I sprung for the brush attachment.  The Kitten comes unfinished, so I’ll be applying some Tung Oil as suggested.
Carder working on a batt

Here’s the first batt after the first pass (on the chair), and working on the second batt.  Any clumpiness is due to beginner error!
Fancy Kitty Carder and the batts I made

Here’s both batts after two passes, plus a little wad of waste and stuff that was stuck on the drums.  Below is a closeup of the batts.  I didn’t do a third pass, since I wanted to keep the striations.
Two cotton candy batts!

Here’s the single, spun up using the plying head of my Lendrum, on the center ratio.  Also note the purple batt under it….we’ll talk about that in a bit.
Cotton Candy on the Lendrum, plus batt of the purple stuff.

And here is Cotton Candy, all finished up.  It’s nice and soft and a bit bouncy.  Around 34 yards/2oz at 6wpi.
Cotton Candy, all finished

All righty, remember the purple batt above?  That’s some more Brown Sheep wool (hand dyed by me), and it has a bunch of Lurex bright pink metallic threads in it.  Don’t have any Firestar or Angelina on hand yet, so I used the Lurex.  I had some as a carry-along yarn for machine knitting, so it was pretty easy to chop some up.  Below, I dizzed that batt off the carder using one of my son’s toys as a diz (I managed to get it off in 2-3 long pieces).  It made some nice roving, and it spun really nicely.  Anything to get me into long draw!  The one I left as a batt was a bit more problematic.  I stripped pieces off, and my pieces were not always the same width, which made my drafting different.
Purple roving that was dizzed off the drum carder

And here it is all plied up.  Seems innocent enough……
On the bobbin....purple roving with pink lurex bits.

Until I took it off the bobbin!!  Watch out for the brain!!!!!
Can we say overplied?

Can we say ‘overplied’?  Good, I knew you could!!  (Makes a good picture, though!)
Over Plied closeup

To be honest, I knew I had overplied it.  I was experimenting (and watching American Idol with a less than enthusiastic 4 yo), and just let it be that way.  Abby F. had posted about abusing a yarn, so I thought I’d try that.  Below is the same yarn, horribly mistreated.  Much more well behaved, but you can just see the plying energy trying to get out.  And the feel of the yarn wasn’t real great.
You can just see the ply trying to get out of there.

What was I to do with it?  I plan to use it with Cotton Candy (for something I will have to call Pinkie and the Brain), but the disparity just wouldn’t do.  So I took the yarn back to the wheel and TOOK PLY OUT.  Yes I did.  It was actually pretty easy to run it through and feel when I had spun it enough to take the kinks out.  Then I re-abused it.  There are areas (from the batt issues I mentioned) where there are big slubs that aren’t much spun, so I need some fulling to keep it together.  Below is my end result.  It wasn’t dry yet in that pic, so I expect a bit more fluffing, but it is now similar in grist and hand to Cotton Candy.  Yay!
Post un-plying and re-abusing

My next spinning project is an old one, I need to finish the second ply of this:
Carmel Apples single

After this experiment, I think I’m going to add some extra twist to this before I ply it.  I’m shooting for a tough but soft and bouncy sock yarn….something like Tiger Twist.

Then, I’m going to get to work playing with the carder.  I want to make some layered batts, and otherwise play.

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America the Beautiful (Sock Club Spoilers!!!)

Ok, Transitions Clubbers, you will need to decide how much willpower to exert here.  I’ve hidden all the pictures below the excerpt so you can be happily surprised.  I also knit up a sample tube before I shipped them all off….so you can see what you might get once you’ve knit it.  I’m so excited about how they turned out that I just had to share while the excitement is fresh!!  (If you aren’t in Transitions….gawk away!!  Please don’t taunt those who are in the club. 🙂 )

Continue reading

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