Tag Archives: knitting

A video for you…..

This one tickled my fancy today. Enjoy!

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Sock Fillets!

One of my fun new-ish products is the Fillet of Sole sock blanks.  I started them on a whim to win a contest at Yarny-Goodness, and have now adopted them into my regular line.  I like painting them, there are … Continue reading

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Scarf, Scarfs, Scarves

Note:  As of 2011, I no longer make these scarves.  Thank you. It’s that season again, so it seems like a good time to mention the original side of ThePaintedTiger….. custom knit striped rugby scarves.  How is this done, you … Continue reading

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Show and tell!

It’s Monday, and time for show and tell! I finally caught a picture of that groundhog/woodchuck: She’s on the neighbor’s lawn here, and seems content over there. I filled in the hole, and so far so good. I finished my … Continue reading

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The best laid plans of mice and men….

Or should I say woodchucks and squirrels? It’s been a crazy couple of weeks around here, so I’m going to give you a nice pictoral of the action in lieu of a yarn update this week. First, we had this: … Continue reading

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Music, food, and knitting!

Last weekend, we attended the Quad Cities Symphony’s Pops Concert. The program was mostly the music of John Williams (so, of course, utterly fabulous). This year the concert was held in the baseball stadium, since the floods earlier this season … Continue reading

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Michael Phelps is my brother.

Yup, that’s my big secret.  Ok, quit scratching your head.  My brother, Michael Phelps, is a computer programmer in Des Moines, Iowa.  He can swim, but more in the ordinary, keep yourself from drowning, kind of way. The family name … Continue reading

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A Crabby Project for a Rainy Day

It is dismal outside.  All day, rainy and cold.  To add to my mood, I finished this project for a client today. That is one crabby monster hat!  I hope he knows that April showers bring May flowers.  (Ok, I … Continue reading

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Great news all around!

Friday was a great day for ThePaintedTiger.  I made my first sale on ThePaintedTiger.com I’ve been open there for about a month, and in fact had just received my March bill (where I had a small fit of ‘can I … Continue reading

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